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John Rasimas

Running for State Representative

1 CTNewsJunkie Reader Endorsements

Party: Republican

CEP Status: participating


Age: 62

Marital Status: Married

Current Residence: Madison

Current Job: Retired/Adjunct Professor

Previous Job: Deputy State Auditor

Previous Job:

Education: MS Accounting & Taxatiom

How should the state and its school districts deal with COVID-19 going forward?
I believe it all depends on what our health professionals suggest. We have to be sure that the resulting advice we receive is firmly backed by the science, and that conflicting advice is thoroughly examined.
How can Connecticut's education systems create better outcomes for students in low-income communities?
As an educator for the past 17 years, I have witnessed the lack of support for educators and the diversion of resources to administrative bureaucracy and non-classroom spending. We need to make sure that more of our education resources need to go directly into our classrooms. We also need to support effective teachers and have a better means to remove ineffective teachers.
Pedestrian deaths spiked a few years ago and remain high, and it's fairly clear that driver behavior, such as distracted driving, is only getting worse despite significant efforts by law enforcement to stop it. How can Connecticut's streets be made safe for pedestrians and bicyclists?
As victims of a serious hit-and-run accident that involved a juvenile offender, my wife and I became very aware of the minimal consequences that are imposed. We need to create stricter laws and support law enforcement officers so that they can enforce such laws.
In these inflationary times, what will you do to help ensure that Connecticut’s middle-income retirees on fixed incomes are able to keep more of their hard-earned money in their pockets?
We need to provide true and permanent tax relief rather than temporary and insignificant measures. In order to cut taxes, we need to reduce spending by instituting zero-based budgeting.
What action(s) will you take to reduce out-of-pocket drug costs and reduce the impact of the cost of prescription drugs on taxpayers and insurance premiums?
We need to be better at negotiating prescription drugs prices for government plans. We can do so by consolidating agreements and using volume to our advantage.
What should be done on the state level to further address Connecticut's lack of affordable housing? Do you support, for example, mandating or incentivizing towns and cities to alter their zoning codes to be friendlier to affordable housing?
I believe that CHFA and down payment assistance programs work, and should be expanded for those seeking home ownership. CHFA type programs also support multi-family rental projects. The current CGS 8-30g regulatory system misses the mark and circumvents local control.
What can be done to prevent excessive consolidation of the healthcare industry and the loss of services – or, in some cases, the loss of small hospitals themselves – in the state's rural areas?
As with many public service industries, the allowability of consolidation has to be examined on a case-by-case basis to ensure that free-market competition is maintained.
Do you think the state's two major electric utilities (Eversource and United Illuminating) are sufficiently regulated? If not, what measures would you take to ensure that consumers are protected to the greatest extent possible against prolonged loss of services and unfair rate increases?
We need to expand the membership of PURA commissioners and create an oversight board for the Office of Consumer Council. Appointees to these bodies should be made by both parties. The current system provides that all PURA commissioners and the Consumer Council are gubernatorial appointments.
What is your position on whether Connecticut should open its election primaries to unaffiliated voters?
I am supportive of allowing unaffiliated voters to vote in the primary of their choice.
How do you plan to address the growing long-term care workforce crisis in the state?
As with many industries, the providers of long-term facilities are affected by labor policies that do not encourage employment by enhancing unemployment benefit programs. We are in an environment where unemployment benefits should be for a very temporary time period.
Gas prices are higher than ever, which is difficult for older adults on fixed incomes. Yet, alternatives to cars in Connecticut are limited. What will you do to help older adults access other forms of transportation?
We need to consider public transportation proposals that are either self-sustaining or require minimal public subsidies. In those cases requiring subsidies, we have to ensure that benefits exceed the costs of those subsidies.
What are the two most urgent problems facing Connecticut within the context of climate change and the environment, and what will you propose to solve them?
I am not an expert in this area and would defer to the experts. However, I would be firmly committed to weighing the costs and effects on the public when examining proposed legislation to address climate change.