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Marjorie Bonadies

Running for State Representative

0 CTNewsJunkie Reader Endorsements

Party: Republican

CEP Status: participating


Age: 52

Marital Status: Married

Current Residence: Hamden

Current Job: Nurse (out patient)

Previous Job: Nurse (inpatient hospital)

Previous Job:

Education: Boston University, Regis college

Do you believe public schools in Connecticut require an essential makeover, as outlined by Superior Court Judge Thomas Moukawsher's decision in September? What, in your opinion, is the number-one issue regarding public education in the state?
I think there is a funding ration that is not adhered to because of politics. As demographics change and needs change so should the funding a municipality gets. For too long the held harmless clause has been used by some towns to get above what the funding ration should be.
Will you oppose legislation that will require utility customers to subsidize the profitability of merchant generators, such as the Millstone nuclear power plant, unless those merchant generators demonstrate the need to their customers and the state with financial reports that show their actual loss in profits?
How would you reduce the state employee pension liabilities and debt service, which together comprise 25% of the state's annual budget?
There needs to be changes made for new hires. Many states have changed the defined benefit plan to a defined contribution plan. State employees will have to put more away for their own retirement but they will be able to depend on the funds being there. If a hybrid plan was introduced, where the risk is shared between the state and the employee, I could be interested in that as well. There are small changes than can be made now such as asking state employees to increase their copay and prescriptions by 5.00. This small increase could save the state millions of dollars in the first year. As far as debt service, the state should use the premiums on the bond purchases to pay down debt and make sure funds are not diverted from our liabilities to fund other projects.
Does Connecticut have a revenue problem or a spending problem?
Prioritizing problem,. We need to fund what has been promised and fund the initiatives to protect our most vulnerable citizens. The revenue problem is apparent because even with the tax increase in 2015, the projected revenue has not materialized. Money goes where money is welcome and Connecticut is doing everything it can to pull up the welcome mat to money .
Would you support laws that provide for family leave or other workplace flexibility for employees who have to take time off for family caregiving purposes? What proposals would you champion to help family caregivers who are balancing a career and family obligations or health emergencies?
I am in favor of making sure employees don't lose their jobs due to illness off a family obligation. I would be in favor of a tax deferred self funded account that is optional to employees. Creating a new state mandate at this stage of our recovery would be detrimental. The startup costs for the state is 13 million dollars and the annual costs would run 18 million dollars. These numbers come from a study already conducted by the state. Where we are looking at a 70 billion dollar total debt (unfunded liabilities and bonded debt, etc) starting a new program like this is unwise.
Community College students recently won a reprieve but are facing the possibility of a significant tuition hike. What are you planning to do to ensure that community college remains an affordable option for families?
The costs of attaining a college education for the middle class has reached unattainable status. Student debt exceeds credit card debt. The rise in tuition is due in large part by the easy money and loans the government has given out which can be described as predatory. We have told students they can't get ahead without a college education but now they are graduating with tens of thousands of dollars in debt. This has to be addressed on every level.
What would you do as a state legislator to address the opioid epidemic in our state?
I have chaired an opioid forum here in Hamden last month. I am currently working on bringing a new program to Hamden High School geared to students. I have been on the forefront of the problem here in Hamden working with our police department and the Mayors office. I will continue to advocate for more resources and beds for treatment. Connecticut is on track to lose over 800 people to this epidemic this year. This is more than motor vehicle deaths.
Today, over 600,000 residents in our state don’t have a way to save for retirement at work. Knowing that employees are 15 times more likely to save merely by having access to payroll deduction, will you commit to supporting the newly passed Connecticut Retirement Security Act that will provide these workers with access to private payroll deduction IRA accounts?
Of course I want people to have access to a savings plan. I just don't trust the state to run this plan effectively. There has got to be an alternative to assisting working families in getting retirement money set aside. The cost of living in Connecticut makes it difficult to put any money aside. More than 70% of working families live paycheck to paycheck. If our economy was thriving and robust and our cost of living was not among the highest in the country people could afford to put something aside for the future.
Who are you supporting for president and why?
That is between me and my voting booth. I think Mrs. Clinton's trustworthiness is a problem and Mr. Trump is an undisciplined candidate who is easily bailable. There is no good choice.