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Lance Hamilton

Running for Board of Finance

4 CTNewsJunkie Reader Endorsements

Party: Republican

CEP Status:


Age: 54

Marital Status: Married

Current Residence: Stonington

Current Job: Area Sales Manager - NY

Previous Job: Consultant

Previous Job: US Navy Officer - Lt.

Education: MBA - University of Co Math/Statistic UCONN

Why are you running for this office?
I served for our country as a Marine Corporal and then as a Navy Lieutenant. I'm running for a position on the board of finance to serve our town. I grew up in Stonington enjoying my childhood and the way people helped each other. I had great teachers and coaches that I couldn't thank enough for all their help. Being in the military I traveled extensively while living in a lot of different places and know that Stonington is a great place and is very unique. I chose to move back to Stonington to raise my family. I'm running to help ensure that the town continues to have a sound financial footing so that it will remain one of the best places for families and individuals to thrive.
What is the most pressing local issue facing your community and how would you solve it (within the capacity of the office for which you are running)?
The possible decline in state funding would be the most pressing issue. If this occurs, the following would help the town overcome the decline: 1. Meet with all stakeholders - Town Agencies, Board of Ed., PTO's, citizen forums, etc. as much outreach as possible to ensure all citizen's concerns are understood. 2. Establish priorities and goals obtaining feedback from stakeholders 3. Set budget accordingly 4. Identify savings if necessary urging consolidation and regionalization. Regionalization is important where feasible to take advantage of Federal and State grants. Due to decreasing funding, grants are becoming highly competitive. 5. Look at other towns of similar sizes to determine if there are better ways of saving costs. I would work with other board members who want to do what's best for the town and all our citizens. There are a lot smart and dedicated people in our town by being inclusive and open to ideas we can ensure the financial soundness of Stonington.
With the state's ongoing budget crisis looming over the election, what are your plans for your community's budget? Is there anything you can do make your town less dependent on revenue from the state?
See above.
The legislature has been debating various ideas to allow towns to raise revenue locally through something other than property taxes. If you could ease your residents' property tax burden by adding another method of taxation, is there anything you might consider for your town?
Any new tax would have to be carefully considered. The state legislature suggested a 1% increase in sales tax to go back to the towns. Yet, the portion of sales tax we were suppose to receive via the Educational Cost Sharing is being reduced. Therefore, any new tax, if absolutely needed, should go directly to the town rather than relying on the state controlling it.
Are you in favor of regionalizing more services in conjunction with other nearby communities? If so, which ones?
I would be in favor where surrounding towns can join and take advantage of economy of scales. Water Pollution Control has been mentioned and if handled correctly would help us and N. Stonington. Other savings could come from regionalizing public safety communications systems or IT systems.
Should your school district get the same amount of education funding from the state if your district's enrollment is dropping?
Currently, the Educational Cost Sharing funding is not fair. Stonington gets less money per student than other towns and cities who spend more per student than we do. Some cities get as much as 15 times the amount we do. So getting the same amount would be fairer to the tax payers in Stonington.
What's one thing most people don't know about you?
I have moved 17 times in my adult life, and lived in 8 different states. This is why I know that Stonington is one of the best places to live.