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Rashid Haynes

Running for Board of Education

5 CTNewsJunkie Reader Endorsements

Party: Republican

CEP Status:


Age: 48

Marital Status: Married

Current Residence: Norwich

Current Job: Financial Analyst

Previous Job: Retail Manager

Previous Job: US Navy

Education: Master’s Degree

Why are you running for this office?
I want to improve the Norwich Public Schools by ensuring all decisions are in the best interest of the students. I want the Board to consider long term impacts to the district and the city when voting.
What is the most pressing local issue facing your community and how would you solve it (within the capacity of the office for which you are running)?
The most pressing local issue facing our community is the projected growth over the next few years. A number of our school buildings are aging, many of our classes or over 20 students per teacher, and there is limited room at the kindergarten level. As the city population continues to grow, we need to be proactive with solutions that accommodate the new families joining our community. I want to see a long term facilities plan that accounts for growth. I want a plan for meeting the needs of our school age families that are not dependent on state or federal grants and are sustainable.
With the state's ongoing budget crisis looming over the election, what are your plans for your community's budget? Is there anything you can do make your town less dependent on revenue from the state?
In the short term, it’s difficult to manage a budget heavily dependent on revenue from the state. In the long term, part of the process for approving new programs funded through state or federal funding should include a program sustainability assessment that establishes a method to transition essential programs off of temporary funding streams.
The legislature has been debating various ideas to allow towns to raise revenue locally through something other than property taxes. If you could ease your residents' property tax burden by adding another method of taxation, is there anything you might consider for your town?
I'm not familiar with all of the options being discussed. I am open to ways of easing the property tax burden of my fellow residents.
Are you in favor of regionalizing more services in conjunction with other nearby communities? If so, which ones?
I’m open to the idea if it is executed well and meets the needs of our students and teachers. I've heard of areas regionalizing special education, I need more information on the pros and cons before I choose a firm position.
Should your school district get the same amount of education funding from the state if your district's enrollment is dropping?
I believe state education funding, if provided, should be based on need not necessarily enrollment. A district with a reduction in enrollment may also be in an area with a high number of English as a second language students, or a high level of students eligible for free or reduced lunch. These issues and a few others can be a huge draw on a districts budget regardless of enrollment.
What's one thing most people don't know about you?
I love movies about loyalty and friendship. They touch something deep within me, most make me cry.....keep that last part just between us.