State Representative District 117

Charles Ferraro

1 CTNewsJunkie Reader Endorsements

Party: Republican

CEP Status: participating



Marital Status:

Current Residence: West Haven

Current Job:

Previous Job:

Previous Job:


Laura A. Fucci

1 CTNewsJunkie Reader Endorsements

Party: Democrat

CEP Status:


Age: 60

Marital Status: Married

Current Residence: Milford

Current Job: Democratic Deputy Registrar of Voters

Previous Job:

Previous Job:

Education: B.A. in Sociology with a Concentration in Women's Studies

What action(s) will you take to reduce out-of-pocket drug costs and reduce the impact of the cost of prescription drugs on taxpayers and insurance premiums?
In these inflationary times, what will you do to help ensure that Connecticut’s middle-income retirees on fixed incomes are able to keep more of their hard-earned money in their pockets?
How do you plan to address the growing long-term care workforce crisis in the state?
In order to address the growing long-term care workforce crisis, we must provide livable wages, hours and benefits for the workers to attract and retain dedicated workers.
Gas prices are higher than ever, which is difficult for older adults on fixed incomes. Yet, alternatives to cars in Connecticut are limited. What will you do to help older adults access other forms of transportation?
What are the two most urgent problems facing Connecticut within the context of climate change and the environment, and what will you propose to solve them?
Two of the most urgent problems facing Connecticut regarding climate change and the environment are investment in renewable energy and transportation. * I believe that Connecticut should develop wind energy facilities off the coast; optimize home solar energy programs; divest investments in fossil fuels and invest in renewable energy; transform public transportation to make it workable, energy efficient and non-carbon emitting; work with the Northeast region to make the changes on a larger scale. Additionally, I would want to transition the utility companies into a public good rather than a private for profit monopoly.
How can Connecticut's education systems create better outcomes for students in low-income communities?
Pedestrian deaths spiked a few years ago and remain high, and it's fairly clear that driver behavior, such as distracted driving, is only getting worse despite significant efforts by law enforcement to stop it. How can Connecticut's streets be made safe for pedestrians and bicyclists?
I think that public awareness campaigns could help. Additionally, I would explore placing cameras on traffic lights and heavily used crosswalks that track violations and automatically send tickets to violators to try to deter dangerous behaviors.
How should the state and its school districts deal with COVID-19 going forward?
With regard to COVID-19, the state and its school districts should promote vaccinations for students and staff; invest in ventilation systems, require masking and social distancing when there is a high risk and the infection rate has increased, allow for online materials and lessons when students are out sick or quarantining. Much of these protocols are already in place.
What should be done on the state level to further address Connecticut's lack of affordable housing? Do you support, for example, mandating or incentivizing towns and cities to alter their zoning codes to be friendlier to affordable housing?
The 830-G regulations should be tightened up to ensure that the developers provide a greater percentage of affordable units than currently exist. Additionally, laws and ordinances related to Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) need to be adjusted to allow for seniors to remain in their communities as well as others to afford housing.
What can be done to prevent excessive consolidation of the healthcare industry and the loss of services – or, in some cases, the loss of small hospitals themselves – in the state's rural areas?
Do you think the state's two major electric utilities (Eversource and United Illuminating) are sufficiently regulated? If not, what measures would you take to ensure that consumers are protected to the greatest extent possible against prolonged loss of services and unfair rate increases?
What is your position on whether Connecticut should open its election primaries to unaffiliated voters?
Unaffiliated voters have many opportunities to enroll in the party of their choosing to vote in a primary. They can change their party affiliation online using the Secretary of the State's website, by mail, at the DMV, or in person at the Registrars of Voters office. They may even change their affiliation in person until noon the day before a primary. After the primary, they can change their affiliation back to unaffiliated. Those unaffiliated voters who wish to participate have the opportunity to do so.