Survey Questions and Candidate Responses

Do you agree or disagree with President Trump's recent decisions to label certain American cities as "anarchist," and to send federal agents – uninvited by local authorities – into cities such as Portland, Oregon? In your opinion, is this a legitimate use of federal force and rhetoric, or is this an overreach?

Cassandra Martineau | Participating Election
Never. Republicans seem to lionize the 2nd Amendment, while ignoring the 1st. People's right to assemble and free speech shall not be impeded. Not with permits, not with secret police, not by local police.
Bruce Walczak | Participating Election
No I don’t agree. States are responsible for their citizens safety and if they need help they can and will ask for it. This is an unacceptable political act and should be condemned.
Joe Courtney | Participating Election
I strongly disagree with this decision. With regard to the use of federal officers and authority, I expressed serious concern over the statutory authority under which these officers were deployed, as well as their mission, and the unidentified nature of their presence in US cities this summer in a letter signed by dozens of Members of Congress to the Departments of Homeland Security and Justice this July. I also supported efforts to ensure that federal law enforcement officers are required to clearly identify their organizational affiliation on their uniforms, and require a governor's consent to the presence of National Guard members deployed by the President when the National Defense Authorization Act when was considered by the House Armed Services Committee.
John Larson | Participating Election
I do not agree with President Trump’s recent decision to send uninvited federal agents to cities. This was an overreach of federal force and should have been left up to the individual cities and states.
Stephen Dincher | Participating Election
It is unconstitutional for the Federal Government to interfere in a state without that state legislature's permission.
Brian Merlen | Participating Election
I disagree fully with most decisions of the Trump administration, but particularly in this case it is disturbing to have federal Homeland Security abducting Americans off the streets. This is obviously government overreach and the local states should be allowed to operate their own security services without federal intervention.
Rosa DeLauro | Participating Election
It is important that our kids get back to school. We need leadership in government that respects and follows the science. The CDC has issued guidelines to help inform the decisions school districts are making in terms of re-opening safely for teachers and students. Our local health departments are providing up-to-date information on infection and hospitalization rates. Every school district is different in that they each deal with a unique set of variables including student population, age and condition of buildings, and input from parents. I believe the individual school districts, in conjunction with the state’s Department of Education, are in the best position to make decisions on how and when their schools can open safely.
Justin Anderson | Participating Election
Federal Agents are not being deployed to these cities to address “Anarchists”. The President has rightfully decided that he will do so, only when requested by the state. That is the standard, that is what is happening. There was some confusion with agents going to protect federal property. It should be clear that federal agents have responsibility and a duty to protect federal property. There was an article in The Atlantic, “Obama on Baltimore: Violent Rioters ‘Need to be Treated as Criminal’. (April 28th, 2015). Obama sent 100 federal agents to Baltimore prior to the court decision to address a possible riot. This should make it clear that when requested, it is legitimate. Currently federal agents have responded when invited or for protection of federal property. They have not stepped in to replace local law enforcement against the will of local politicians.