Participating Election
Science tells us that deadly pandemics such as this are infrequent, but inevitable. Ignoring this science allowed us to let our guard down, and thus we were caught unprepared for SARS-CoV-2. We have been underfunding pandemic preparedness, and underfunding Public Health in general. The Affordable Care Act established a Public Health and Prevention Fund, a fund which soon found itself being raided by both major parties to pay for 'other priorities.' In a world where we are all interdependent, we also need universal healthcare: Medicare for All single payer comprehensive free health insurance for all. More specifically regarding managing the current pandemic, we need to ensure that we do several things. 1. Ensure that hospitals have adequate supplies of PPE and ventilators. 2. Ensure that we have the capacity to perform optimal testing, contact tracing, and isolating, which includes in some cases providing isolation quarters for patients who need to isolate away from those they live with, as has been provided by many other governments. 3. Communicate the science of mask effectiveness to the public clearly and broadly as possible. 4. Offer science-based guidance to states and municipalities, as well as funding they may need. 5. Ensure the rapid but safety-tested development of an effective vaccine. 6. After protecting the American public, work to help the rest of the world - this is a global problem that affects us indirectly as well. 7. Ensure that the economic repercussions are fully addressed with direct aid to individuals - it is now past time for another $1,000 per person check for every American, and more direct aid to struggling businesses, states, municipalities, and tribes.