Participating Election
Racism has been a chronic ongoing public health crisis in our Nation since the beginning. Some have estimated that before the abolition of slavery, slaveholders reaped about $14 Trillion (in today’s dollars) worth of unpaid labor from their captives. Even after the abolition of slavery, racist attitudes and blatantly racist laws denied African Americans equal opportunity, or just compensation for their labor. The scars of housing discrimination and employment discrimination are still with us. Not until the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was racial discrimination made illegal in matters of housing, schooling, and employment. The agency that enforces this law, the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), is chronically underfunded, it lacks the needed staff and resources to confront bad actors; its funding level must be dramatically increased for the goals Civil Rights Act to be realized, as well as close employer exemption loopholes in the law. In addition to advocating for improved enforcement of anti-discrimination laws, I advocate for Public Health interventions against racism itself - the topic should be discussed in schools to raise understanding. Reforms that root out discriminatory policing and excessive use of force, an issue that has been brought to the fore by the Black Lives Matter movement this year, I support fully. Finally, I advocate for a host of policies that will help elevate the economically underprivileged in general, including free universal Pre-K, college, and trade school, a living wage, a Federal Jobs Guarantee, Medicare for All, and a more progressive income tax to adequately fund housing and welfare programs. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, unless you do something about it.