Participating Election
The right to vote should never be hampered. Connecticut does not require a picture identification to vote, so one must wonder how the “right” to vote is in question. Partisan redistricting does not hinder a person’s right to vote, but it can change delegate results at the national level. One might state that dark money changes a person’s right to vote, it does not. However, it can allow a Hollywood personality to finance an election here in Connecticut. Sending out ballots to every person in the state does not stop a person’s right to vote, but it does raise concerns of whether every person’s vote is properly counted. Votes are lost, tossed and filled out incorrectly, which does hamper a person’s vote, and the ensuing election results. Some states have sent out the actual ballots to every single individual, whether they are requested, or not. Connecticut, at least, has had the sense to require a ‘request’ for ballot. Mass dissemination of ballots is a recipe for widespread unsavory activity. If ballots are fraudulently submitted, sent in late, or incorrectly filled out, that strips Americans of the idea of a fair and honest election. How we protect truly our right to vote, is by ensuring our votes are not tainted with dishonest results. Every vote must count, and every vote must legitimate.