Participating Election
More school choice, charter schools have shown over and over again to create better academic outcomes, especially in our low income communities. Instead of building a 250 million dollar high school use that money to attract and incentivize more teachers, and in school resources, dealing one on one with our children on a daily basis. School administrators making 300 and 400,000 a year should be held more accountable for the outcomes of the schools they oversee. An administrator shouldn't be making 4-5 times that of a teacher, especially when academic standards are subpar. We have a teacher shortage and we need to attract people back into the profession and let them teach our children the fundamentals needed to compete in the global economy. The LEFT needs to stop pushing CRT and DEI in our schools, kids don't need to be taught they are victims or oppressors, they need to be taught how to think, not what to think.